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Blog # 10: Tying Up Loose Ends on Art Works for Symposium (Final Illustrations!)

Updated: Mar 30, 2022

Hello everyone! This week's blog post will be quite brief as I had already completed the majority of my artworks for Symposium, and so I just worked on fine-tuning the hawk illustration.

I spoke with my art professor during class, as I debated whether to include a blue background or not. Ultimately, I decided against it as I did not want to distract the attention away from the hawk in the center of the drawing. We also took a look at the beak of my bird, realizing that the beak of the hawk is a bit more hooked than how I had initially drawn it. I therefore erased the tip of the hawk's beak to make it more curved, hooked, and longer.

I also worked on the hawk's throat, which originally I had drawn more curved. Instead, I made it a bit more diagonal. Additionally, I worked on blending the tree trunk and branches a bit more -- adding more browns and natural shading to the tree.

I also added dates to my illustrations as well. For the sargassum drawing, I also darkened my handwriting on it, using a 3B graphite pencil.

As I had already written the scientific information related to each subject, I just needed to tweak my responses, removing my works cited page so that it could be published in on a poster for symposium next week.

(230 words)

Illustrations for Symposium; framed and edited!

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